Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town would see the series make the jump to the Nintendo Game Boy Advance. Being able to play a game of this stature on the go is pretty awesome and despite being on a handheld system, it manages to offer a full Harvest Moon experience.

Give Me A Reason

Friends of Mineral Town. Chapter I: My New Life Begins Today. Standing on the docks, awaiting the the boat that will take him to Mineral Town, a young man dressed in blue overalls and a blue baseball cap, stared out at the water contemplating what has brought him to this point in his life. .Harvest Spirits.Items.Jewels, Gems, and Rings.Mineral Town. By visiting Zack's place on Mineral Beach a couple of times, he'll eventually give it to you ONLY IF you have an empty slot for tools. The Fishing Rod is not essential to the game, it.

After getting lost in the woods as a child, a kind old man lets you stay at his farm where you have a great time. Fast forward many years later and that friendly old man has sadly died and he has left the farm to you! The premise of the game has a lot of heart and it even tugs on those heartstrings as the reason you are left the farm really makes you want to succeed.

Taking Care of Business

At its core, Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town is what you would expect from this series. You need to fix up the farm, take care of animals, grow your crops, make money, and keep the farm going. There is also the aspect where you need to make friends, fall in love, and live a good life too. The game does it all with a nice look and a whimsical soundtrack.

While this may seem like a pint-size offering, Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town is a fantastic portable Harvest Moon experience. Even now, all these years later many fans of the series will say that this game is one of their favorites. It just does everything right and if you want some handheld Harvest Moon action, you cannot get much better than this.

Harvest Moon

Friends of Mineral Town

Part I

Chapter I: My New Life Begins Today

Standing on the docks, awaiting the the boat that will take him to Mineral Town, a young man dressed in blue overalls and a blue baseball cap, stared out at the water contemplating what has brought him to this point in his life.

*Flashback to one week ago*

'Letter for Jack,' a mailman said as I opened the door.

I thanked him and took the letter, closing the door behind me. I smiled as I recognized the address of my old friend Robert. He was an old man I met as a boy when my parents took me to Mineral Town on a small island south of the city. I think of him as a grandfather and a mentor. Though we haven't seen eachother in almost 10 years, we still sent letters every chance we got.

'Been a while,' I muttered as I opened the letter.

I haven't received a letter in a few weeks. I knew he was under the weather, but he'd always assured me he was fine. He'd never lied to me in all the years I'd known him. I felt my heart sink as I read the letter. It was from the Mayor of Mineral Town, Thomas. My friend, Robert, had passed away three days ago.

I felt like crying. He was, after all, family to me. I haven't felt like this since my dad died two years ago. As I finished the letter, Thomas had said he needed me to come to Mineral Town as soon as possible. I didn't have a problem with that. I remember it being a nice little town. Any chance to get out of the city. I'll need to get my affairs in order here before I left. Robert had sent me a copy of his will. It had listed me as the heir to his farm. Guess it was a good thing he's taught me to be a hard worker and a bit of a green thumb.

I knew I wanted and I needed to take over the farm. I want to make Robert proud of me.

*End flashback*

Jack saw a small boat pull up to the dock and a burly man with the flattest flat top hair cut he'd ever seen stepped off the boat.

'Lookin for a man named Jack,' he said in a loud voice, turning a few heads.

'I'm Jack,' jack answered as he stepped toward him, a duffel bag slung over his shoulder.

The man looked at Jack and gave a big, goofy grin.

'Name's Zack. I was sent to bring you to Mineral Town.'

Jack extended his hand and Zack shook it. They boarded the boat and, after refueling, set off on the two hour trip to Mother's Island, and Mineral town.

Jack decided to sit on the deck and pulled out a book and pen. He always wrote in his journal, laying out his thoughts and life plans. And his future in Mineral Town was a big topic for him.

Joural Entry: March 20, First Day of Spring

I'm on the boat, bound for Mineral Town, and the first day of my new life. It's going to be strange, setting foot on the old farm and not being greeted by Robert. I like to think I'm ready to do what he wants me to do. I'm not a farmer. I wasn't raised to be. Thanks to my visit to the farm growing up I can grow a garden. But a whole farm? I feel out of my league.

I met Big Zack again, though I doubt he remembers me. I was only five when I met him. It was my first trip to the farm. I met the man when he came to collect the produce to take to town. I remember he laughed when I acted so scared of him. I gotta admit, I felt foolish later. Maybe I'll remind him later about our first meeting.

I dreamed of her again last night. The girl I met the first time I visited the farm. With my trip back, I'm hoping that I'll be able to see her again. The problem is, in my dreams and memories, I can't see her face. Needless to say, that'll make my finding her again much harder. I guess I'll find the answer soon enough. I believe that much at least.

The sound of the boat's horn made Jack look up. He saw they were fast approaching the island. He could see the small beachside community of Mineral Town as well. Jack smiled.

'I'm home.'

The boat had docked and Jack dis-embarked. He looked at the quiet beach, not a soul in sight.

'Nice place,' Jack muttered.

'You say somethin?' Zack blurted out.

'I was just saying this is a nice place.'

Zack laughed. 'Yeah it is. The mayor should be here shortly kid. He'll take care of ya.'

'Thanks Zack,' Jack said as he walked toward the stairs. 'Be seein ya.'

Jack knew his way to the thing about a place like this, time seems to stand still. He found himself looking around as he entered the town square. He saw three middle aged women chatting with eachother. They stopped and looked at him. He smiled and bowed his head to them. They smiled and waved before returning to whatever they were talking about.

Jack rolled his eyes. He figured the whole town will know someone new was in town soon enough. He walked south, out of the square and down the road, toward the farms. He could hear the cows and sheep as he went past the livestock farm. He saw a little girl in the field, playing with a little dog.

He then approached the poultry farm. He saw a young man with pop bottle glasses feeding them. The man noticed Jack and waved. Jack waved back but kept walking. It wasn't long before he reached a fork in the road. He turned left and approached Robert's farm. Jack was pained to see the farm was in disaray. The field was overgrown. The barn and coop needed some work. The house was also in disrepair. Jack walked around the farm, remembering how it was to play here as a boy, and how to work to grow the garden.

'I'm hope I can do this,' Jack said out loud.

'I'm sure you can son,' a voice came from behind, causing Jack to spin around.

Before him stood a short man in a red suit with tails, a top hat, and a monicle. Who dresses like that. With his brown, curly hair, red nose, and goofy moustache, he looked like he should be from Monopoly, or something like that.

'Who are you?' Jack asked.

'I'm sorry Jack,' the man said. 'I didn't mean to startle you. I'm Thomas, the Mayor of Mineral Town.' The two men shook hands.

'I figured you'd come here,' Thomas continued. 'So I came here instead of the dock. I'm just sorry our meeting had to be under these circumstances. Bob was a good friend.'

'Yes,' Jack answered. 'Yes he was. I wish he were here.' He looked at the farm. 'So he could tell me what to do now. He never taught me how to run a farm.'

Thomas nodded. 'Well, if you need help learning to farm, I'd recommend speaking to old man Barley. He runs the Yodel Ranch. Though he specializes in live stock, he does a fair amount of farming himself. I also believe Robert kept extensive journals on farming in the house.'

Jack nodded. 'Thanks sir. I'll do that.'

'Please son,' Thomas raised his hands and shook his head. 'You don't need to call me sir. I perfer to be called by my name.'

'I understand Thomas. And I'd perfer you just call me Jack. Robert called me son a lot. I wasn't fond of it then, but I couldn't get him to stop. Though now, I'd give anything to hear him call me that again.'

Thomas nodded as they walked back to the farm house. As they approached, Jack caught sight of a puppy near the mailbox. Thomas noticed it to and smiled.

'That was Bob's puppy. His name is Mack. I figured you might want to meet him.'

Jack knelt down and reached out to Mack, who barked and ran right up to him, tail wagging. Jack laughed softly as he pet the exciting young pup.

'And maybe,' Thomas continued. 'Give him a new home?'

Jack looked up at Thomas and nodded.

'This farm was his home before I got here. I think it's fair that he should stay where he belongs.' He scratched the dog's back. 'Besides, this is a pretty empty place. I could use the company.'

Thomas nodded. 'Don't be afraid to meet everyone else in town. We're a group of good people. We'll be excited to have a new neighbor.'

Thomas made to leave. Before he did he turned to Jack.

'Come into town tomorrow. I'll introduce you to a few who can help you fix up the house and barn, as well as getting the fence fixed. We're ready to help however we can to help you get this place running.'

'Thank you Thomas,' Jack said as he stood up. 'I appreciate you help.'

Thomas smiled. 'Well, I will say good day to you Jack, and welcome to Mineral Town.'

'Good day to you too,' Jack nodded his head to Thomas before he left.

Jack, now alone except for Mack, looked around the farm one more time before heading into the house. The inside was in decent shape. It had pretty meager furnishings: a bed, nightstand and lamp, a wood stove in the corner, obviously for heat and cooking, and a dining table with four chairs. Jack sat on the bed and looked around the small room and sighed. He looked in the nightstand drawer and found what looked like a photo album.

Jack picked it up and opened it. Most were of Robert and who must've been his friends and family. It didn't look like he was ever married. A shame. He then found a picture of Robert and himself as a little boy. Jack smiled. He remembered that day. It was his first day here he was five. He'd wandered away from his parents and wound up on this farm. Robert found him and showed him around and let him play with the animals. He was such a kind old man.

Jack turned the page and gasped. It was another picture of him. But, next to him was a little girl about his age. It was the girl he saw in his dream. He now had a face, but no name. Not even her hair color. Robert used a black and white camera. An old fashioned thing even back then.

'Who are you?' Jack quietly asked the picture.

Jack put the album back in the drawer and stood. He left the house and headed into town. He found his way to the inn and went inside. He was approached by a young lady with her blond hair tied in a braid. She wore a yellow shirt and blue overalls. She had a bright smile on her face.

'Hello,' she said cheerfully. 'You're new here aren't you? I'm Ann and this is my dad's place.'

Before Jack can answer, an older man with the same color hair walked up to him and smiled.

'Name's Doug stranger,' He extended his hand and Jack shook it. 'Passing through or staying?'

Harvest Moon Friends Of Mineral Town Recipes

'Name's Jack,' Jack was finally able to speak. 'I'm staying sir. I'm the new owner of Moonlight Farm.'

'You mean Robert's farm?' Ann chirped. 'We heard someone was coming. I didn't know you'd be so cute.'

Harvest moon friends of mineral town kai

Jack blushed. He was not used to being called cute. He didn't interact with women very much.

'Ann,' Doug said in a stern voice. 'Quit embarassing him.'

'Chill out dad. I was just being nice.' She clapped her hands. 'Hey dad, since this is Jack's first night in town, why don't we feed him supper? You're a great cook after all.'

'I don't mind,' Doug shrugged and looked at Jack. 'What do you say Jack?'

Jack shrugged. He had to admit, he was hungry. That's one of the things that brought him into town.

'Why not,' Jack answered.

Ann cheered before she practically dragged Jack to a table and sat him down. Doug, meanwhile, disappeared into the back. A few minutes later, he returned with a plate of roast meat and potatoes and a large glass of water. He and Ann stepped away while Jack ate the food. He had to admit the food was pretty darned good. When he finished, Ann and Doug came over to him.

'Well,' Ann spoke as she cleared the dishes. 'How was everything?'

'It was pretty good,' Jack replied. 'Thank you very much.'

Ann cheered as Doug grinned and nodded.

'I knew you'd like it Jack,' Doug said, patting Jack on the shoulder. 'So, what are you planning to do this evening?'

Jack stood and stretched. 'Well, I was going to explore the rest of the town before heading back to the farm. I got a lot of work agead of me.'

'I understand. Well, best of luck to you. And if you need anything young man, don't hesitate to ask.'

Doug and Jack shook hands again. 'Thank you Doug. I'll keep that in mind.'

'Don't be a stranger Jack,' Ann called as Jack walked out the door.

Jack walked down the road headed toward the beach. He once again found himself in the town square. There was not a soul in sight as he continued to head south down the road he went to reach the farm. He was just past the livestock ranch when a voice caught his attention.

'Wait,' it was a woman's voice. 'Come back here.'

He then saw a chicken coming right at him. It was being chased by an attractive pink haired girl. She was wearing a long red dress or skirt with a white blouse and what looked like a brown corset, and a green hair band. she also had soft, redish colored eyes.

Jack figured he would help her. So he quickly scooped up the chicken and held it until the girl reached them.

'Oh, thank you,' the girl said, sounding relieved. 'I'm glad you were there.'

'No problem,' Jack replied. He handed her the chicken.

'You naughty little thing,' she scolded the chicken. She then turned to Jack. 'Are you new around here?'

'Yeah. I'm the new owner of Moonlight Farm.' He extended his hand. 'I'm Jack.'

'It's nice to meet you Jack,' she said, accepting the handshake. 'My name's Popuri. My family runs the chicken farm down the road.'

'Popuri huh. That's a nice name.'

She blushed lightly. 'Flatterer.' She shook her head. 'Anyway, tell me Jack, do you like chickens?'

Jack nodded. 'Sure, I love chickens. Though I've never had a chance to own any.'

Popuri smiled brightly at his answer. 'I'm happy you like chickens too. As far as owning any, when you're ready, come see me at my farm and I can hook you up.'


'Thank you Popuri. I'll remember that.'

They both walked in silence to the entrance to the poultry farm. Jack caught Popuri looking at him out the corner of his eye.

'Something wrong?' he asked as he looked at her.

'Umm,' she quickly looked away. 'Maybe it's nothing.'

He stopped and looked at her. 'What is it?'

'Have we met somewhere before?' She looked intently at his face.

'I don't think so,' Jack blushed. He wasn't used to anyone staring at him like this. Especially not a pretty girl like her.

'How strange,' she said, turning toward the gate. 'You just seem familiar.'

She glanced back at him and smiled again. 'Anyway, thanks for your help Jack. I hope I'll see you again. Bye.'

'Bye,' Jack waved at her as she disappeared from sight.

Jack walked quietly back to his farm. He went into the house and sat on the bed. He was worn out from the days events. He met some nice people. Ann and Doug were fine people he hopes to call them friends eventually. He laid back on the bed and stared at the ceiling. He kept thinking about his encounter with Popuri. It was an interesting encounter. He felt something when he saw her.

He sat up quickly. 'Did we meet before?' was the question going through his mind.

'Who are you?' Jack asked out loud to no one.

Harvest Moon Friends Of Mineral Town Switch

He opened his duffle bag and pulled out his journal.

Journal Entry- My mind is consumed with questions after my encounters here in Mineral Town. Mayor Thomas is a kind, fatherly figure who deffinately cares for all the people here. He brought me Robert's dog Mack to me. I swear people know I'm an animal lover. I couldn't say no to having him here. All and all, I feel Thomas is someone I can talk to if I need help.

Theres Doug and his daughter Ann at the Inn. They are both friendly and treated me like they'd known me all my life. Ann is a very energetic, sweet girl I'd like to call a friend. Doug, I gotta admit, is a damn good cook. He could put my mom to shame there. I know I'll be going to the inn many times in the future.

What I can't get my mind off of is my encounter with Popuri. It was a short meeting, but I do feel like I know her. She seemed to feel it too. I don't know. I'm sure I'll figure it out soon enough. I do have to admit though, I thought she's the most beautiful woman I've ever seen.

Who knows what the future's gonna hold. I do know that I gotta start getting this place up and running. Tomorrow I need to go see the carpenter and get him started on repairing the barn, coop, and the house. I also need to get my farming tools to the blacksmith to get them ready. It's going to be a busy day.

Jack closed his journal and put it on his nightstand. He laid on the bed and closed his eyes, letting himself fall into a quiet, peaceful sleep.

Harvest Moon Friends Of Mineral Town Switch

End of Part I Chapter I