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BD/Training – Lab Ray

by Mr. Muffinman

Neopets Lab Ray

So you have found your way to my lab, have you? I’m working on a new experiment, a ray that will give any NeoPet super powers, and great strength. Of course it’s not finished yet, but if you are willing to take the risk then I may let you have a go.

Collecting the Pieces
The lab map pieces are very pricey, but easy to get your hands on. Since they are given away daily in random events, chances are you’ll probably snag one – eventually. The whole map itself goes for about 350k and each piece ranges from 10k-50k. Most people save up and buy the complete set off of trades, rather than a piece at a time.

A relatively new feature on Neopets is the addition of the Petpet Lab Ray. Like the regular Lab Ray, the Petpet Lab Ray can be used to alter species and colour. Unfortunately, the Petpet Lab Ray is capable of temporarily turning your Petpet into a pile of dust, or even worse, permanently vaporizing it all together! The lab ray can change your pets stats (including gender), both increasing these stats and decreasing them (although it will never lower your Hp), change species and colour. There are lab ray. The Lab Ray can be accessed daily once you have collected all 9 pieces of the Secret Lab Map and turned them in. Triskeli's Lab-Ray log. 2004 Neopets, Inc. Lab Ray Scientist: Random Event at the Lab Ray - Choose a Pet Page. Warning: Battling the Lab Ray Scientist can cause your pet to change gender. 185: Lady Frostbite: Go to the 98th story telling page. 40: Lava Ghoul: Random Event. 61: Magnus the Torch: Visit the Volcano. 85: Meerca Henchmen: Refresh at the Trap Door. There is also a petpet lab ray, owned by the crazed scorchio's petpet Kookith. The pieces cost between 2m-3m nps. Unfortunately, you need to complete the Secret Laboratory Map set BEFORE you can go to the Petpet Lab. Neopets does warn against it's use however, with these rules.

Neopets lab rayColors

You can only zap one NeoPet once a day. These changes cannot be undone and it’s random on what happens. The lab ray is located under Treasure Maps in the puzzle games section.

Hee hee hee!

The ray is fired at (petname)

Neopets Lab Ray

Neopets Lab Ray Fortune Cookie

… and he changes gender!!!!

Can and Can’ts
The labray is limited to do only certain things. They even have certain colours you can only access by zapping your NeoPet with the lab ray.


  • Change NeoPets colour.
  • Change NeoPets species.
  • Change NeoPets gender – oh no!
  • Descreate your levels, strength, movement, defense.
  • Descreate your levels, strength, movement, defense, and even put your NeoPet back to level one!
  • Gain levels, strength, movement, defense, AND maximum hit points.

Neopets Lab Ray Guide


Neopets Lab Ray Link

  • Increase intelligence.
  • Cannot change colour to Baby, Pirate, Plushie, Quiguki, Royal, or Usuki!

The Avatar
Avatars are a big thing in NeoPets now, almost everything has an avatar attached to it. To win this lab ray trophy, your NeoPet must change species. For example, if it goes for a Blue Kau to Blue Mynci, you will win. The colour doesn’t matter.

Neopets Lab Ray Scientist

Some content © neonewsnow.com. All other images, likenesses, names © and/or TM Neopets, Inc. 2001-2005.