Loyalty is like medicine, in small controlled amounts, medicine can heal ailments and do good. But when used in excess or altered to serve darker or misguided purposes, it can kill. Same can be said for loyalty, when practiced consciously and cautiously it can be a healthy relationship but when the loyalty strays from its original path an. In William Shakespeare’s tragic play, “Romeo & Juliet”, Shakespeare suggests that Juliet’s inclination to loyalty for Romeo leads her down this spiral which leads her to lie to her parents, and even go as far as to kill herself because of her loyalty towards Romeo. When an Individual is introduced to new loyalties in their life, they should be careful to be patient with the development…show more content…
This scene not only reinforces Juliet's submissive attitude towards her mother, but also highlights Juliet’s goal, and that is to please her parents. Because while Juliet thinks of marriage as an honour which she hasn't dreamt of, she instead of rejecting her parents suggestion wholly, she instead says that she will “look to like” Paris, further emphasizing Juliet's wish to please her parents by saying what her parents want her to do. Throughout all the encounters we see Juliet in, up until this point, it is discernible that Juliet is trying to be a devoted child. this is most clearly highlighted by the quote “ what is your will?” Juliet is showing loyalty to her mother by prioritizing her mother’s “will”. Additionally, Juliet's goal is also highlighted by the line “ no more... endart mine eye// ….your consent gives strength to make it fly” Juliet is again trying to please her mother by saying that I will love only as much as your permission allows. fortifying the fact that Juliet’s goal is to please her parents, because, instead of Juliet giving a simple yes or no answer, Juliet claims that if she does love Paris, she won't allow the relationship to gain momentum without her mother's approval. In conclusion, Shakespeare suggests that, Juliet’s loyalty towards her parents, as well as the authority the hold influences the manner in which she speaks to her parents, as well as
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Good Attention Getter For Romeo And Juliet Essay Analysis

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