
Feel free to use the generated audio for any of your projects (commercial or personal). It's free! Hope it's useful for you :)

Need more voices? Check out this voice generator website.


Converts your text into a robot voice which is downloadable as an audio clip!

Select your preferred region for official MOMO performance parts and accessories including steering wheels, road wheels, seats, boots, gloves and more. Input Type is a feature that helps optimize how Auto-Tune handles incoming audio, by setting it to receive different pitched ranges of human voice or instruments. This is an important and often-overlooked parameter which can really help you get the most out of Auto-Tune! Match the Input Type setting to the range of your vocal for best results.

Just wait for it to load (it may take a minute or so as it's a 2mb piece of software) then type your text in the box and click 'Speak'. You can download the speech by clicking the link that will appear under the 'Speak' button.

Auto Tuning Voice Meme

Text to Robot Voice

The software behind this app is a JavaScript version of the eSpeak library which was originally written in C. All thanks goes to @kripken for porting the software to JavaScript so it works in your browser!

In natural speech, there are many subtle inflections, pauses, and amplitude modulations that are used to convey emotion and properly give emphasis to the right parts of a sentence. This things are very hard to write into a program because they are much more subtle than the pitch/harmonic modulations that make up our syllable sounds.

Auto Tuning Voice Meme Generator


As such, early attempts at machine voice generation sounded very monotone and robotic. eSpeak was one such attempt, and happily, it now (more than 20 years later) allows us to produce this fun robotic text to speech app.


If you're old enough, you might remember 'Microsoft Sam' - the robotic sounding voice which could read things out in Microsoft Word, and help you navigate Windows. I had a lot of fun as a kid making Microsoft Sam say all sorts of silly things, and so I figured I'd make this so that the younger generations can enjoy the same thing.

Auto Tuning Voice Meme Funny


Auto Tuning Voice Memes

I hope you have fun with it! It might even be useful to someone - who knows! Maybe as a weird MLG voice for a YouTube video, or as an electronic voice generator for DJs? I'd love to hear what you're using it for in the comments! :) If I can do anything to improve it, or if theres a similar translator that you want me to make, please let me know in the comments! Thanks :)

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