Have you ever considered vintage barber chairs? If you read this, you probably have. The biggest part of the world’s population thinks that the latest gadgets and the latest products are the best, for some reason, but there are those who like antique products. Comparing the new and old isn’t possible and there is no point in doing it. We will be focusing on old barber shop chairs. In general, they come in a variety of forms and there are some 100% extraordinary models. Maybe you think that vintage barber shop chairs are not a very common choice, but according to an internet survey, they are more popular than ever. After all, these chairs are something that can make any barber shop look unique and because most barber shop owners want to be unique, these chairs are the latest hit.

I have a Koken Barber Chair form the 1890s to 1930s. It's in many pieces and I have full intent to restore it in time. It's in many pieces and I have full intent to restore it in time. I need some metal parts for the chair and I am having difficulty locating them (can't understand that, it's only around a hundred years old!). If you are going to buy an antique Koken barber chair, make sure you get one that was made in year you want. You will be able to find 1920 Koken barber chair and newer, made up to 50s (when the company went out of business). In general, older models are more desirable, but they are more difficult to find and they will probably need restoration.

>> Don’t have much time?

There are several types of old barber chairs. The antique models have been made in the past, and because the first models appeared in the 1800s, they are very old and they are very expensive. There are new chairs made to look like the old ones, which are the most common choice, by the way, and there are new chairs that offer new features, but they look old. The first type is usually reserved for collectors and they may reach huge values. In this case, the oldest chair and a well-preserved will cost more than an average barber shop. Still, other two types are a great choice and they definitely should be taken into account.

>> On a budget?

Why are vintage barber chairs so popular?

At the beginning, we mentioned that these chairs are popular because they look unique and they are original. Although this is true, it is just a tip of an iceberg. Yes, they can make any barber shop look extraordinary and vintage, but they also create an atmosphere that is different as well. Most customers, usually older people will choose a barber shop with vintage style barber chairs simply because they will put them back in the past. For barbers, this is possible as well and we must add the fact there is something special when you will work in an atmosphere like this.

Impressive luxury

You probably can imagine that these chairs are a luxury as well, so they will transmit this effect on the entire barber shop. In fact, these chairs are treated as the most luxurious item that can be placed in a barber shop! Even today, there is no a better way to get the same level of luxury. It can be explained as the old style, in which products were massive and they were made to look amazing, not to save weight or to be cheaper to produce, which is by the way a common issue with modern products.

For specific clientele

Now, what if you have a specific clientele, for example, people who like antique items? These chairs will help you make your barber shop their first choice! This is another reason why these chairs are so popular. Simply said, they will have a positive effect on most people, simply because they are rare and it is hard to see them nowadays. People who like vintage things, will appreciate this and they will definitely be impressed with your chairs. No matter what you want to achieve, these chairs will help you!

Heavy-duty construction

Experienced barbers know that all antique barber chairs have a construction made from steel or heavy duty metal. This makes them literally indestructible and perfect for everyday usages. The fact that suggests how important this is, is related to the first chairs that had to be well-made and the only available metal at that time, was steel. This also means that only the fabric and leather on these chairs will have to be replaced. All the rest will last for eternity! This is another reason why every single old fashioned barber chair is popular. The new models, made to look like they have the same features so that the main reason why so many people want them. Actually, it is one of several, the main reasons.

All the features you can get

Antique barber chairs have all the features you can imagine. Why? Simply because they are based on original chair and back then, they had to have all that were invented then. No matter which one you get, the situation will be the same. At the same time, we must add that these products are treated as advanced models, so there are no low-end models. Simply said, you will get a premium chair which will make your barber shop a much better in any way you can imagine.

Advantages of antique barber chairs

All of the aforementioned facts were the main reasons why these chairs are popular. Still, there are a lot of things you should know about them. They are not some simple piece of engineering that has just two features. These chairs are advanced and they have a variety of features and advantages to offer.


While ordinary barber chairs are simple and they cannot be modified, antique models can. This allows you to customize a model and make it perfect for your specific desire. We can say that there are a lot of models that were completely customized and they are now more original than ever. This is probably the most important advantage these models have to offer. You will be able to replace the fabric, add different headrest and footrest or even change the color of the entire chair. The best part is the fact this is only a beginning and there are a lot of other things you can do, such as replacing the base, increasing the height and etc.

Hydraulic pump

As you know by now, the main material is the steel, practically indestructible material. But these chairs also have a pump that lifts the chair that is made in the same way. This means that it is also indestructible and it will also last for a long time. Right now, the barber chairs in question are known for hydraulic pumps that have been developed especially for the heaviest and the most demanding operations.

Fabric and hand stitching

Because antique barber chairs were classy, new models must look the same. This means that they come with a hand stick fabric and leather. There is no need to say that only the best products in the world have this advantage, so you can imagine how huge effect your new chair will have, thanks to this, simple addition.

Strong, round base

The round base is something that is reserved for barber chairs of this type. It is a huge piece of metal that weighs more than the entirely new, barber chair with the latest features. The main reason why is the stability. It is mandatory that a barber chair offers the best possible stability, so there won’t be mistakes during the treatment! New models that don’t look for old models don’t have this feature. Yes, they have certain systems that should replace the simple, round base made from metal, but they are not as effective as the original invention.

The most popular manufacturers

Although there are no rules when it comes to the manufacturers of these chairs, we will responsible for mentioning some of them. After all, they were in charge of making the first chairs of this kind and they are making them even today. Below you will be able to see the best manufacturers in the business, but we cannot tell you which one is the best. All of them are known for unique chairs, so it is up to you when it comes to choosing a new model.


They started making them in 1927, in the city Belvedere (that’s why this manufacturer uses this name). At the beginning, they had ten employees and a small area for making and testing their products. Today, this is the biggest manufacturer when it comes to barber shops. They have more than 30.000 square feet of area, designed for their applications and they are the biggest manufacturer of this kind in North America.

The manufacturer in question is well-known for making some of the most original barber chairs in the human history. The first models were so popular that they were commonly used in the entire North America.


While the previous manufacturer was known forthemodern product, Koken was known for the future products. In the early age, Mr. Ernest Koken invented the hydraulic lift. Before that, a barber had to spin a chair in order to lift it or lower it down. Since then, chairs made by this company have been known for the innovations they have and keep in mind that this company made some of the most original chairs, ever invented.

Emil J. Paidar

These chairs are almost forgotten, but once upon a time, they were the most important and the only barber chairs on the market. The small company, founded by the Emil J. Paidar, was the first real production facility for barber chairs. They were dominating, before Koken and Belvedere.

Theo A. Kochs

This man is responsible for the company with the same name, known for making some of the highest-quality barber chairs on the planet The company was founded in 1871 (approximately) and it was one of the biggest in that time.

We mentioned these manufacturers in order to you can get an idea which models are the best. Still, there are a few other manufacturers that are impressive as well, so they should be on your list too. They are: Belmont, Puresana Alexander, Eugene Berninghaus (Hercules), Louis Hanson barber chair and F. & F. Koenigkrame.

For example, if you are looking for an actual vintage barber chairs, buying one made by one of these manufacturers will be the wisest choice you can make.

Factors to consider before purchasing

If you are still looking for the best antique barber chairs, you must know that some features can make them better and stand out from the crowd. Getting a model that has all of them is probably the best choice, but at the same time, it is the most difficult one to find. We recommend you to look for a barber chair that has at least a few of the features mentioned below. By choosing like this, you will protect yourself and your barber chip from severe mistakes.

Steel constructions

We know, we already mentioned this factor a few times. It is mentioned simply because it is the most important one and that’s the end. Chairs of this kind, with a construction made from any other metal, are not a great choice. Imagine, a barber chair will have to hold a weight of 150 pounds (at least) for the entire day, for many years. Steel is the only material that can withstand this type of pressure, so it is mandatory!


All vintage barber chairs must feature leather! This was the second, most important material with the original chairs, so it is something you must get nowadays as well. A leather is durable and it offers a high-quality, so that the chair will last for many decades. In addition, it will also look impeccable and better than any other model, made from anything else, except leather. Remember that this will increase the price of a barber chair, but at least, there are a lot of old fashioned barber chairs for sale and most of them have different prices, so you will be able to find a model that suits you and to your pocket the best.

Steel base

If you remember, we mentioned that old barber chairs come with the round and massive base. This is important, simply because it will increase the stability and make cutting hair more precise. Always look for this feature! It is something that will make a barber chair more valuable and better in any way possible.

Koken porcelain barber chair

Heavy duty hydraulic pump

Despite the fact, most of barber chairs come with a hydraulic pump, not all of them are made for the same applications. You should get a model that has a heavy-duty pump of this kind. It means that it will last the longest and it will offer the best quality, during the time you will use it. It is also something that must be in perfect conditions, or you won’t be able to use a chair! A recommendation, we will give you is that you should choose models of the aforementioned manufacturers. They have the best hydraulic pumps, so they are the safest choice. The last fact you should know is that repairing this pump will cost you fortune, so it isn’t a wise idea to buy a new model with a poor quality hydraulic pump. You will lose a lot of money and you will end up looking for a new barber chair.

Extra-wide seat

This may be a small feature, but it has a huge meaning. It means that you should buy a model that has an extra-wide seat. It will allow and improve the comfort a chair has to offer and you will be able to use it for all customers. A great fact is that a lot of vintage barber chairs for sale already have extra-wide seat, but there are some models without this feature. If you are planning to use your new chair for professional applications, you must get this advantage!

Weight load

This is also an important feature. It means the weight a chair can withstand. Not all old barber shop chairs for sale have the same weight load, so it isn’t recommended to get the first model you like. If you have big customers, you are going to need a barber chair with the highest level of the weight load. This can help you use your chair for a long time and eliminate the risk of damages. Models that can withstand up to 900 lbs. are treated as the best choices, so take them into account.

360 degrees rotation

Although, most people believe that these chairs come with 360 degrees rotation, all of them in fact, they don’t! There are some models that cannot be rotated, simply because they are low-end models. The best antique barber chairs for sale must offer this possibility and it is probably one of the most important ones, you can choose. In addition, you may want to pay attention to the mechanism inside a chair. Make sure it has a heavy-duty bearing, due to the fact only they can withstand everyday rotation. Tip: make sure this part is always oily because it will reduce friction and extend the life of a barber chair.

Adjustable height of a seat

You already know that a hydraulic pump is used to lift the seat, but how high it can lift it? Keep in mind that this isn’t a generalized value, so different models offer different possibilities. If you find a model that can lift a seat between 21 and 33 inches, well done. This value 1is reserved for professional models, so it is probably the best choice for you. Keep in mind to include your own height!


A happy customer is the best customer, we all know that. Well, if you wind a classic barber chairs for sale that doesn’t have a well-made cushioning system, you will be ruined. This element offers the comfort and it can make a huge difference. The first vintage Koken barber chair was extremely comfortable, so if you have ever used it, you should get a model that has a similar level of comfort. Tip: Memory foam that has been compressed is the best choice. It makes a chair more comfortable, but at the same time more durable, simply because this foam is highly resistant.


When we say adjustable, we don’t think on the height of a chair, we already mentioned that. We think on the headrest and the back that should be fully adjusted. By having a chair with this feature, you will get two benefits. The first one, a customer will be more comfortable and you will have a better freedom while working. It is definitely the smallest and the most important feature that should be on the list. A useful sub-addition are headrests that can be removed. Almost all models have it, but just in case, pay attention to this possibility.


This is another advantage that a retro barber chair should have. It has a positive effect on the comfort, but it also makes the working of a barber simpler. Now, the situation isn’t as simple as with the previous point. There are a lot of barber chairs that are designed in this style, but they don’t have a footrest. Old chairs always had this addition, so if you are looking for a model that will be the same as the first models, get a footrest. The last fact you should know is that avoid footrests made from soft fabric. Getting one made from solid steel is the best and most durable choice. It is definitely the number one choice.

European or America style

This isn’t a feature, this is rather a style that also should be taken into account. It makes a huge difference when it comes to choosing a barber chair. In fact, it is so important that it completely makes these chairs opposite. European models are smaller and they don’t have as many features as the American models, but they are extra-wide (all of them). On the other side, American models are big, they have additional accessories and they are more expensive. Now, it is up to you which one you will choose. However, we must say that American models are made and based on all facts and points we mentioned here, so there are chances they are a better choice.

Top 3 vintage barber chairs

The THEO Vintage Barber Chair Styling Salon Beauty By Skin Act is simply the best choice. Why, well, it looks the best and it has all the features we mentioned, so it is the most advanced models. This version is commonly known as a masterpiece, so it is perfect for people who want the best and they are not afraid to get it. The price isn’t low, obviously, but keep in mind that you will get the barber chair on the market. No matter where you look for these models, this one will come up as the best one.

Some of the features it has include a solid, round base, removable headrest, footrest, cushions made from foam and a high quality construction. It isn’t a secret that it has been made from steel. Howerer, the steel has been chromed, so the entire chair looks better and more impressive than any other model.

It is fully adjustable, so it can be lifted between 23 and 31inch and it can be rotated 360 degrees. The weight load is 900 lbs. so you will get a heavy duty model, perfect for any application you have in mind. We must add that the design is outstanding as well, so it is somehow a combination of the old and new, bringing the best parts of both worlds. In addition, this is an American model, so it is massive and big. The last fact that should be mentioned about this chair is the hand stitched upholstery. The bottom line is, this is the best barber chair of this kind, and it will be your best choice. The price isn’t extremely high, but it is more expensive than similar models.


  • The quality of the chair is outstanding and better than most other models from the same price range
  • It is made from stainless steel, chromed, so it looks amazing
  • Round steel base
  • Fully adjustable
  • Durable upholstery, hand stitched and foam cushioning system


  • It is slightly more expensive than most models
  • It is very heavy, so moving it won’t be possible unless you have help

The “Truman” Vintage Reclining Hair Salon Barber Chair is commonly rated as one of the best vintage barber chairs on the market. In general, it is a very wise choice and it is a great model, but there are some drawbacks that placed it on the second place. It isn’t as good as the previous model, but it is far better than most models you can buy right now.

The best part is the design. It looks like a classic chair, but it has a few differences, so it is a bit more original. It may be hard to explain, but when it comes to the practicality, it is very simple. The entire chair is fully adjustable and it is lighter than the previous model. Of course, it has a fully adjustable head rest and floor rest, but it can be reclined for 45 degrees.

According to a survey, this model is one of the most common choices among people who are looking for antique barber chairs on a budget. The value of this chair is reasonable and we cannot say that it is expensive.

The second fact we must mention is the hydraulic pump. It isn’t an ordinary pump and it has been designed for the most complicated and heavy-duty applications. The pump itself is made from high-quality elements, so it is expected that it will last for a long time. Add a heavy-duty design that can literary withstand almost anything, and you will get an amazing barber chair that can be used for many decades.


  • The design is different than other chairs of this kind have
  • It has a heavy duty hydraulic pump
  • The materials are high-quality and durable
  • This chair is fully adjustable
  • It is more affordable than similar models


  • The design may be an issue to some people
  • The round base isn’t too heavy, so the stability isn’t perfect

While the situation was extremely simple with other chairs, we have a completely opposite situation now. The model in question is the Belvedere LK12 Look Styling Chair. At the beginning, you will see that it is completely different than any other barber chair on the market, but don’t lose hope. It is an actual barber chair and it has all the needed features and gadgets. Thanks to this, it is commonly treated as one of the most original vintage barber chairs money can buy.

When you stop wondering what type and style this chair has, start focusing on details. It also has a hydraulic pump and it can lift a person up to 8 inches. Add a 23 inch base and you get the superb quality. Despite the small size and a low price (lower than most other models) this chair comes with a footrest. Probably the most important part of this chair is that it has been made by one of the best manufacturers on the planet, so it has a few advantages more than similar models.

A warranty is one of those parts that must be mentioned. The hydraulic pump has a 5 year warranty, the rest of the chair has a 1 year, but it isn’t expected that this chair will break down in that time. After all, it has been made by professionals.


  • It has small dimensions
  • Low weight, perfect for constant moving
  • Heavy-duty hydraulic pump (lifts up to 8 inches)
  • Strong and heavy base
  • Long warranty
  • Extra-wide seat


  • Small
  • Doesn’t have additional extras, such as headrest and footrest

Some final thoughts

At the end, we must say that buying vintage barber chairs isn’t simple. There are a lot of different models, there are no rules with these chairs and they cost a lot, so making a mistake isn’t an alternative. Luckily, we made a choice for you. All of these models are perfect antique barber chairs that already have a lot of satisfied owners. They are made to last and they will last, due to the materials and construction techniques were used in the production process. Also, all of them are packed with the latest and the most important features, so they are advanced. In any case, any of these chairs will be a great choice and it should be on your list.

If you are still looking for a model by yourself, pay attention to the manufacturers and features that chair has to offer. It is important to take into account both factors, simply because they can make a difference between a great barber chair and the worst one. However, if you choose carefully and you pay attention to small things, you will be able to get the best chair that will last for a long time and allow you to use it anytime you want, and for any application you want.

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topic 24359

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Current questions and answers:

May 29, 2020

Q. I purchased an old Koken Barber chair and am going to start restoring it. How can I tell if it was Nickel or Chrome plated? Or is it easier to take one of the parts, once I have it polished to a plater and they can tell me.

Don Weatherly
- Smyrna, Georgia
^ Reply to Don Weatherly's posting ^
May 2020

A. Hi Don. Certainly not just chrome, and probably not just nickel. Most likely nickel-chrome plating. Please see our Intro to Chrome Plating for a full explanation.


Belmont Barber Chair

Ted Mooney, P.E. RET
Aloha -- an idea worth spreading
finishing.com - Pine Beach, New Jersey
June 5, 2020

Thanks for the reply. Once I get the chair disassembled, I will contact a couple of area companies on plating options. First, I was thinking that it was nickel plated and then changed my mind to chrome. And now it sounds like it is probably both!! grin

Don Weatherly [returning]
- Smyrna, Georgia
February 23, 2021

A. Don,
Chrome plating was invented in 1924, so I'd say if your chair was made prior to 1925, have it nickel plated. If it was made 1925 or later, you could get away with chrome.
Find the cleanest piece of material you have and polish it up. If it looks like it has a yellowish color to it, then that's nickel plate. If the piece has a silver/white color, then it's probably chrome.
If you know you're going to refinish your metal, and your plater is nearby and does both nickel and chrome, take all of the pieces in and have them plate it in whatever material they determine the original was.
My nearest plater didn't do chrome, so I had to do some research to find out the material of origin. Turns out mine was nickel (1914 Theo A. Kochs).

Denny Cardona
- Sierra Vista, Arizona
February 23, 2021

Denny Cardona
- Sierra Vista, Arizona
Thank you for the suggestion! I will give it a try and see. I am pretty sure it is not as old as yours!! But I think it is pretty cool looking!!

Don Weatherly [returning]
- Smyrna, Georgia
May 1, 2020

Q. Hey guys I am re-assembling a 1910-20's Theo a Koch barber chair and I forgot how I took apart the reclining assembly. I have pictures of parts and all that of the space but I just can't figure out which direction to put the pieces. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Nathan McDonald
Barber - oneonta New York usa
^ Reply to Nathan McDonald's posting ^
February 24, 2021

A. Nathan - Did you ever figure this out? Getting the pieces in there is easy. Getting the cover/cap back on is difficult.
The round end with the through-hole near it goes to the back of the chair. The flat, tab-like end goes toward the front. The two keys go on the rod with the holes closet to the edge, toward the inside of the base.
Start the rod into one side of the base (front to rear worked best for me). Push it in enough to get on one key. Push the rod in a bit more to get the spring and then the second key. Push the rod in so it's at the midway point. Put cotter pins through the two holes (the one near the round end and the one about halfway down the rod). You should have a cotter pin to the front of the opening and one on the other side of the opening. Connect the flat end of the rod to the bracket on the back of the leg rest.

That's the easy part. Because the keys are spread apart by the spring, you need to compress them to fit into the space on the back of the cover. I found it best to set the cap onto one of the keys, move the cover to center of the opening, and then use a stiff-blade putty knife/scraper to push the other key. The cover will fall into place over both keys - do not let up on the cover. Keeping the cover firmly in place, thread in and tighten down the screws.
Good luck!

Denny Cardona
- Sierra Vista, Arizona
August 30, 2020

Q. HELP! THE HYDRAULICS won't budge, so I can't get it apart. Also I need the brackets and calf rest. Anyone help?

Stogie Mavs
- Avondale, Arizona
^ Reply to Stogie Mavs's posting ^

1940s Belmont Barber Chair

October 13, 2020

Q. Looking for the metal base rings for a chair with a base diameter of 23'. Also tips on cleaning up/painting porcelain.

James sin
- Nova Scotia
^ Reply to James sin's posting ^

Previous closely related Q&A's starting in:

Koken porcelain barber chairMarch 22, 2008

Q. I have a Koken Barber Chair form the 1890s to 1930s. It's in many pieces and I have full intent to restore it in time. I need some metal parts for the chair and I am having difficulty locating them (can't understand that, it's only around a hundred years old!) I do have some pictures of my dismantled chair and would appreciate any help anyone out there can provide. What I'm looking for are the metal parts from the wooden leg rest down. I don't need all the parts but I am willing to buy the complete bottom part of the chair if necessary.

Koken Barber Chair Serial Numbers

I desperately need help with this project. Any help or references you can provide will be very much appreciated.

Norman Stephenson
Norman's Barber Shop - Raytown, Missouri
June 5, 2009

A. Norman:
There is a seller on ebay that has many of the parts I see in your photo...

This guy helped me a ton with my barber chair.. I'm the guy with the chair right below yours on this site.

Bobby Farmer
machinist - Grand Coulee, Washington
May 23, 2009

Q. I have been working on this barber chair for two years, plating, leather upholstery, wood carving and sanding... it's come a long way... from what I have seen of other chairs, my chair is early 1900's no metal on the arms, all oak.. I need the parts that will lock it in the recline position, the rod that goes to the leg bracket, and the bracket as well...

Willing to pay any reasonable asking price plus a large token of my appreciation..! Thanks for reading..!

Bobby Farmer
machinist - Grand Coulee, Washington

Ed. note: General hints about obtaining parts are welcome, but No offers please! This is a technical site about metal finishing, not a free ebay, and we'd be swamped overnight if we tried to be. Thanks.

Koken Porcelain Barber Chair

To minimize search efforts and to offer multiple viewpoints, we combined previously separate threads onto this page. Please forgive any resultant repetition, failures of chronological order, or what may look like readers disrespecting previous responses -- those other responses may not have been on the page at the time :-)

Nickel / chrome plating issues


Q. Does anyone know the best way to refinish the metal parts of an antique barber chair? Also, if plating is the solution what would be the appropriate finish?

Chuck Holman
hobbyist - Walnut Creek, California

A. I replated parts of barber chairs at my shop in Berkeley. If its an real old it's Nickel plated, If late 40's and on, Chrome. If the plating isn't completely shot you can use a chrome rouge.

Jon Diamond
silver plater - Berkeley, California

Q. I work on barber chairs. I would like to know how to nickel some items. Do you have a nickel plating kit, or any advise.


Victor Sepulveda
Koken barber chair partsI restore antiques for my use. - Natalita, Texas

A. For your use, consider 'brush plating'. Check out the vendor lists at this site. This procedure is extremely operator sensitive. If you want a lot less pain, attend the free school from the folks that you think that you want to buy the equipment and solutions from. Typical is 3-5 days of lecture and hands on. Good equipment makes a huge amount of difference, so look at more than one vendor.

James Watts
- Navarre, Florida

Q. I am restoring a barber chair and have had all the metal chrome parts replated. However, now some of the parts don't fit; the new plating is too thick. What's the best way to remove some of the plating. File, wet sandpaper, or ?

Brian Lamb
- Pullman, Washington

A. Hi Brian. I think you'll find that chrome plating is harder than a file, in which case a file won't work, of course. Sandpaper [affil. link to info/product at Rockler] on a power tool will probably work -- if you are talking about functional hard chrome plating on shafts, bearings, etc.

The shiny decorative 'chrome' plated items are actually a few millionths of an inch of chrome over a nickel plating layer which is thousandths of an inch thick -- so you will lose corrosion resistance and there will be an appearance difference where you sand anything. Hopefully the sanded areas are not visible.

Koken barber chair serial numbers list

You may wish to look over our 'Introduction to Chrome Plating' page. Good luck.

Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha
finishing.com - Pine Beach, New Jersey

Q. Question about stripping Chrome Plating I have 3 old (1940's) barber chairs that I would like to strip and refinish. They are a combination of Chrome plated cast iron, aluminum, and stainless steel. I don't want to re-chrome the chromed parts but I do want to strip them of the old bubbling and flaking chrome. I would like to powdercoat and/or use automotive paint on the parts once stripped.

The problem I have is the local shops (Sacramento, Calif) are telling me that you can't just strip the chrome because the stripping process/chemicals can't be neutralized. Therefore you must re-chrome them. I'm no chemist but this seems odd to me because one can usually neutralize a chemical reaction with another chemical. Right? What is the real answer. Can I have the parts stripped and neutralized or what? If yes, then what is the process?

I attempted to sandblast a part with no luck . If this can be done I would then be able to fill and prep the parts before coating with powdercoat or automotive paints.

Thanks in advance for your feedback. I would really like to restore these because they are from a family members shop.

Doug Gale
-Sacramento, California

A. Dear Doug,

The 'bubbling and flaking chrome' on your barber chairs is probably nickel rather than chrome. Chrome is usually a very thin coating that protects the nickel and prevents discoloration. Stripping process/chemicals can't be neutralized? You're right, that's ridiculous.

If you would like, I will refer you to companies in your area that distribute our nickel strippers and may be able to give you the names of plating shops that can help you. Note: Since these chairs were manufactured in the 40's they may not have a nickel/chrome finish. During WWII many manufacturers suspended the use of chrome for commercial products, reserving their chrome supplies for the war effort. If the chair parts do have the nickel/chrome combination, the chrome is easily removed by submersion in an electrocleaning tank and applying reverse current for a few minutes. The nickel can then be removed by immersing the parts in the nickel stripper.Hope this helps.

February 18, 2012

RFQ: I am in the process of restoring my Grandfather's 1908 Koken Barber Chair and am searching for a company to re-plate the metal parts with Nickel. Does anyone have a recommendation in the Philadelphia, PA area?

Paul DeLaurentis
- Doylestown, Pennsylvania USA
March 8, 2012


- Forsyth, Illinois, USA
April 18, 2012

Q. I have a 1935 Barber chair. I am trying to either bring it up to a high polish or chrome it. I would like to know how I do it?

Michael Williams
- Atlanta, Georgia
April 19, 2012

Koken Barber Chair Parts

A. Hi Michael.

The items in questions are almost surely steel or cast iron so they cannot be polished to high reflectivity. But there are plating shops, probably right in your area, which can nickel-chrome plate these items for you. Good luck.


Ted Mooney, P.E.
Striving to live Aloha
finishing.com - Pine Beach, New Jersey
May 1, 2012

RFQ: I like to restore a lot of things and I recently picked up a 1940s barber chair. This will be the first barber chair I have ever restored and being in college I am on a budget. How much would it cost to nickel plate an antique barber chair?

Connor K

Koken Barber Chair Serial Numbers List

[last name deleted for privacy by Editor]
- Auburn, New York, USA
May 2012

A. Hi Connor.

It would depend mostly on how much prep work is required and how big an area must be plated, but probably a couple hundred to several hundred dollars, maybe even more.

The cost of plating can be a shock, but restoration plating is time-consuming handwork, and platers don't survive who charge less for their time than a plumber or mechanic. Good luck.


Ted Mooney, P.E.

Koken Barber Chair Serial Numbers

Striving to live Aloha
finishing.com - Pine Beach, New Jersey
March 11, 2013

Q. Hi,
Am restoring an early Theo. Koch chair. All of the original nickel plating is shot, and the estimates for replating are astronomical. Has anyone had acceptable results with any type of paint?

Ron Bedard
- Seabrook, New Hampshire

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